

发布时间:2015-11-01    作者:肖思    来源:肖思    浏览次数:    打印


报 告 人:喻学锋 研究员(中国科学院深圳先进研究院纳米医疗技术研究中心)





喻学锋,男,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院研究员,深圳市高层次海外人才;先后获武汉大学物理学本科、微电子学硕士和光学博士学位;2010-2012年任武汉大学suncitygroup太阳新城副教授,2012-2014年任香港城市大学等离子体实验室高级副研究员,2014年至今,任中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 研究员、博士生导师。致力于光学功能材料领域研究,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇,其中影响因子>7的论文有15篇;论文被他引1200多次。已授权发明专利5项。受邀担任全国材料新技术发展研究会常务理事;受邀担任ScienceJet杂志社编委;受邀在国际会议上作特邀报告5次,担任组委2次。


1. Yu XF, Chen LD, Li M, Xie MY, Zhou L, Li Y, Wang QQ*. Highly efficient fluorescence of NdF3/SiO2 core-shell nanocrystals and the applications for in vivo NIR detection. Adv. Mater. 20:4118-4123 (2008).

2. Yu XF, Li M, Xie MY, Chen LD, Li Y, Wang QQ*. Dopant-controlled synthesis of water-soluble hexagonal NaYF4 nanorods with efficient upconversion fluorescence for multicolor bioimaging. Nano Res. 3:51-60 (2010). (cover story)

3. Yu XF, Sun ZB, Li M, Xiang Y, Wang QQ*, Tang FF, Wu YL, Cao ZJ, Li WX*. Neurotoxin-conjugated upconversion nanoprobes for direct visualization of tumors under near-infrared irradiation. Biomaterials 31:8724-8731 (2010).

4. Li M, Yu XF*, Liang S, Peng XN, Wang YL, Wang QQ*. Synthesis of Au-CdS core-shell hetero-nanorods with efficient exciton-plasmon interactions. Adv. Funct. Mater. 21: 1788-4123 (2011).

5. Xiang Y, Yu XF*, He DF, Sun Z, Cao Z, Wang QQ. Synthesis of highly luminescent and anion-exchangeable cerium-doped layered yttrium hydroxides for sensing and photofunctional applications. Adv. Funct. Mater. 21: 4388-4396 (2011).

6. Liang S, Liu XL, Yang YZ, Wang YL, Wang JH, Yang ZJ, Wang LB, Jia SF, Yu XF*, Zhou L, Wang JB, Zeng J*, Wang QQ*, Zhang Z. Symmetric and asymmetric Au-AgCdSe hybrid nanorods. Nano Lett. 12(10):5281-5286 (2012).

7. Wang JH, Wang B, Liu Q, Li Q, Huang H, Song L, Sun TY, Wang H, Yu XF*, Li C*, P. K. Chu*. Bimodal optical diagnostics of oral cancer based on rose bengal conjugated gold nanorod platform. Biomaterials 34: 4274-4283 (2013).

8. Sun TY, Zhang DQ, Yu XF*, Xiang Y, Luo M, Wang JH, Tan GL, Wang QQ, Chu PK*. Dual-emitting nanocomposites derived from rare-earth compound nanotubes for ratiometric fluorescence sensing applications. Nanoscale 5 (4), 1629-1637 (2013).

9. Liu XL, Liang S, Nan F, Yang ZJ, Yu XF*, Zhou L, Hao ZH, Wang QQ*, Solution-dispersible Au nanocube dimers with greatly enhanced two-photon luminescence and SERS. Nanoscale 5, 5368-5374 (2013).

10. Liu Q, Wang JH, Wang BK, Li Z, Huang H, Li CZ, Yu XF*, Chu PK*. Paper-based plasmonic platform for sensitive, noninvasive, and rapid cancer screening. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 54, 128–134 (2014).

11. Wang BK, Wang JH, Liu Q, Huang H, Chen M, Li KY, Li CZ, Yu XF*, Paul K. Chu*. Rose-bengal-conjugated gold nanorods for in vivo photodynamic and photothermal oral cancer therapies. Biomaterials 35: 1954-66 (2014)

12. Nan F, Liang S, Wang JH, Liu XL, Yang DJ, Yu XF*, Zhou L, Hao ZH, Wang QQ*, Tunable plasmon enhancement of gold/semiconductor core/shell hetero-nanorods with site-selectively grown shell, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2, 679-686 (2014)

13. Shao J, Tong L, Tang S, Guo Z, Zhang H*, Li P, Wagn H, Du C, Yu XF* PLLA nanofibrous paper-based plasmonic substrate with tailored hydrophilicity for focusing SERS detection. 7, 5391−5399 (2015)
